With this particular client, the issue was not just what they believed or
were subscribing to. It was all the magazines
they were subscribing to.
Staying Focused Is Subscribing To The Right Thing
This particular business owner had had a very
good business. But, over time he had become bored with it. With
boredom comes loss of interest. With loss of interest comes loss of
activity. And with loss of activity sales, profits and morale start to
The general manager of the business was stealing
from it. To top it off, payroll taxes had not been paid to the IRS.
This owner had stopped subscribing to personal and business growth
and the results were disastrous. The small business success that had once
been a reality was now a distant dream.
Boredom: You Can Start Subscribing To The Wrong Thing
To fill the boredom and feel important this
self-employed business owner had an addiction to magazine subscriptions and to
magazines in general. Besides subscribing to over 50 magazines he would
go to the local Barnes and Noble and purchase up to $200 in magazines a
week. And, which didn’t make sense, very often he would purchase the same
magazine over and over again since most of them came out monthly.
The obvious question is how do you go from running a small business well
for almost 20 years to having it be a disaster?
Low Self-Esteem Can Lead You To Subscribing To The Wrong Thing
Low self-esteem or a poor sense of self-worth
will lead to poor choices. To boost your self-esteem you will start doing
things, in this business owner’s case subscribing to magazines, that
temporarily make you feel good but in the long run can have a devastating effect.
Financially, the magazines, when we looked at it
in depth were costing him over $1,000 per month and took upwards of 20 hours
out of his work week.
What Is The Real Problem Here? Only Then Can You Start Subscribing To The Right Answers
As our relationship developed the business owner started to
reduce the number of magazines he subscribed to. But, we weren’t out of
the woods. The key question for me was, What was causing him to have this
extreme focus or possible addiction to subscribing to and purchasing magazines?
It was his personal life which included a bad
marriage and a difficult relationship that his wife had with their only
child. When he went home at night he couldn’t stand to be in the same
room with her where she watched TV. He would go into another room and
read magazines. He had always loved to read.
But now the magazines and the reading were just
an escape.
Solution: Subscribing To A Better Vision Of The Future
Over a period of months we collaborated together
to develop a happy vision of
the future for my client. As we started to take those steps, the grip
of the magazines and subscribing to them began to weaken.
For him to achieve the business and life he
desired magazines, and magazine subscriptions in over abundance, could not be
part of his success plan. He became more focused every day on taking
actions to lead him to the future he desired.
He developed new habits and new disciplines.
He became focused on good things. Within 18 months the business was
profitable and the IRS was paid off. The general manager was fired and
replaced with a person who took the business and the service it provided to a
higher level.
Unfortunately his marriage after going to
counseling individually and together ended in divorce. Today his business
and life are in a great place. All it took was no longer subscribing to the
wrong things and bad relationships.
If you want a better future do the following.
Create a happy and better vision and start subscribing to it.
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