Process is critical to small and large business success. In my
personal business coaching practice I find that initially the self-employed
business owner, executive or manager puts almost their entire focus on
results. Results are the critical measurement of any progress. Yet,
the most important focus, and the one that is most overlooked, is process.
Process Determines Outcome
Process determines results. First you must have the right process in
place to receive the results you desire. I have had many examples in my business coaching practice of
the importance of process, especially in small business.
There was a small, growing company that just seemed to have the magic
touch. I am sure you are familiar with the story. Things just fell
into place. They hired employees. The business continued to grow
and become more profitable.
Then, in a period of 3 months things started to go in the wrong direction. What
was the problem? More specifically, what was the process that was
bringing these undesired results?
Process Will Help
You Talk About The Elephant Under The Carpet
My observation is that when things are going well human nature tends to
ignore the signs of trouble. This is especially true in small business where very often
people and resources are stretched to the maximum. The self-employed
business owner, entrepreneur or executive doesn’t want a pause or to stop on
what they see as the inevitable road to success.
The problem is this. Without the right process there is no inevitable
road to success. In this particular company, as we investigated the
process I saw right away that there were no specific job descriptions.
The key word is specific.
It is impossible to have a good job description, set expectations and
measure results without specificity. We started with job descriptions and
the process each person was going through.
Process Will Uncover Your Keys To Success
As this company went through creating the job descriptions and work
flow charts most of the employees were very supportive. There was one who
wasn’t. She had become the hub around which the wheel of this business
In fact, it came out in my conversations with the owners that they were afraid
to confront her. There response to the refusal to confront her was
this. “If we lose her I don’t know how we could make it.”
If your business is dependent on people who you feel can’t be replaced then
you are not in a good business. And, it almost always means that you do
not have a good process when
it comes to job descriptions or accountability or that you have a process and
are not using it.
Solutions Come Through Process
As we talked about this employee it became apparent that this had to
change. Once we got the process in place for evaluating everyone the
owners became more willing to look at, and more importantly because the process
made it clear, able to see what this person was doing and how it was affecting
the business.
The conclusions were jarring. This employee was stealing time, causing
dissension with the others, slowing things down to suit her schedule and
belittling the owners to prospects and customers. Why would she do
that? She eventually wanted to have her own business and steal some of
her employers clients.
Once again, this is not an unfamiliar story. But with the process in
place for evaluation of job performance and results, this person quit of her
own accord within a couple of weeks. The game was up and she knew
it. As for the results, company
profitability took a short term dive but within three months they were back
on track to new records in sales and profitability.
The even better news was that the owners, now armed with specific job
descriptions had no fear of hiring because they had a well-defined position to
offer. Very often, what holds small business owners back from making
personnel changes is that they really don’t know what it is that their
employees are doing. They have a general idea but that is not good enough
when you are hiring.
When you have a process that is specific you are much more likely to hire
the right person. You won’t feel as if you are being held hostage by your
employees. Best of all with the right process you will feel that you are running your small business instead
of feeling that your small business is running you. Have a good process
and you will be able to deal with the elephants you see as well as the
elephants under the carpet.
Yes, process does determine outcome!
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