You may ask as I did, what would
cause someone who has a successful business to engage a personal
business coach? Initially, he told me he was bored with his
business. It wasn’t exciting any more. The money was great
but he wasn’t happy.
Money—It’s A Tool–Does It Work For
You Or Against You?
During our first couple of months of
coaching I was confused as to what the real problem was. But,
little tell tale signs started to emerge. I had noticed that he had an
old style printer in his office. One day we needed to make copies.
Instead of having his assistant make them he suggested we go down the hall to
the break room which was next to the copy room.
When I saw the copier I was
shocked. It looked like a museum piece. It took about a minute to
warm up and then it took another 30 seconds to make the copy. I asked him
about the machine. He told me it was 15 years old but that he wasn’t
going to spend the money on a new one as long as this one worked.
Are You Using It To Treat Others?
The copier turned out to be the tip
of the iceberg. As I got to know his office operation better I found out
that in 2005 he was using computers from the mid-90’s and that the software had
not been updated.
His employees liked him as a person
but despised
his cheapness. They could not do their work as efficiently or
as smoothly as they would like. Their performance suffered. Yet Bob
still expected more out of them. They were still on dial up internet and
their office was equipped for high speed.
As a result, morale was low.
He refused to spend money on new equipment, new processes and as it turned out,
on his people.
Money Malaise
A malaise had set in with Bob’s
employees. Bob was tight and proud of it. Bob was
fanatical about saving money. One day I was in his office and his
purchasing agent came in to give him a purchase order to sign for purchasing
some paper clips from Office Depot.
He looked at the purchase order and
asked her if she had checked around lately on the price of paper clips.
When she said she hadn’t he asked her to see if she could find a better price.
Raises for the employees averaged 1%
to 2% if at all.
By Money And You Will Lose Your Most Important Assets
I made some headway with Bob in
upgrading his equipment. When it came to paying his people on a scale
with the rest of the industry he would not budge.
But, when you least expect a breakthrough
one came. One day I arrived and I could tell that Bob was very
upset. He was wound tight. He emanated fear, anger and being
lost. Much as I wanted to know what was going on I waited for him to
When he spoke it was clear why
things were bad. He started, “Steve, I am going to lose my daughter and
my wife.” Silence. And he continued, “They no longer want to be
around me.”
You Focusing On What You Believe Is Truly Important At The Expense of What
Truly Matters?
Bob’s daughter, a strait A high
school student, who worked a part time job liked certain rock groups. She
was the ideal teenager. Bob would give her a $20 a week allowance which
in their very upper middle class to wealthy area was nothing compared to the
other kids. It infuriated Bob that she would spend a large part of her
allowance on CD’s and other items related to these groups.
He would always criticize his
daughter for how she spent her money. The previous night
she had told Bob that she wasn’t going to take his criticism any more and that
she didn’t want him in her life. And, his wife sided with his daughter.
As I sat there and listened Bob’s
voice got lower and lower. Then he fell silent and started to cry.
When he collected himself he asked, “What am I to do?”
I asked him what thought was the
right thing to do. If he was his daughter how would he feel. He
looked at me, turned his palms up and said, “What’s the use? My attitude
about money is destroying my family.”
That was the opening. The
truth was that his attitude about money was destroying
everything. At this point we started talking and decided that immediate
action was required.
It was now 2 in the afternoon and he
would be home eating dinner at 7. Much as he had no idea how to start
repairing his family relationships he knew he had to act. He said he
would come up with a plan. To hold him accountable I asked him to call me
that evening and let me know what he had come up with.
Around 8 that night my phone
rang. It was a giddy and happy Bob on the line. The man who had
been so thoroughly defeated 6 hours before was in a great place.
After I left that afternoon, he
thought for about an hour and then decided to go online to see if any of the
rock groups his daughter liked were going to be coming to town. It turned
out that one of them was coming in a month.
When Used Correctly Can Be Your Ticket To A Better Life
Bob purchased two tickets to the
concert. He told me he hadn’t felt this good in years. When he
arrived home that night he was in such a great mood. His daughter asked
what was wrong with him. His wife wanted to know if they were getting a
divorce. He assured them that all was good, in fact, great.
At dinner he apologized to his
daughter for his attitude about her money and
presented the two tickets. At first she thought that he was going with
her. But he told her that the tickets were for her and a friend. He
also gave her another $20 for food and drinks. She got up from the table
ran over and hugged him. They were both crying.
Then Bob turned to his wife and
apologized to her for his poor behavior with money. It turned out that
they hadn’t been out to dinner in over a year. Why? Bob would always fret
about the tip. Should it be 11% or 14% or 17%? His wife had told
him that she never wanted to go out to eat with him again.
He invited her out for the following
night and told her she could take care of the bill and the tip and that he
would say nothing about the money then or in the future.
With The Right Attitude Leads To Great Things
With this breakthrough I could now
reach Bob on issues of money in his business. He was ready and willing to
improve the equipment, to invest in updated processes and he even brought in a
human resources consultant and all the employees got substantial raises.
Bob was excited. He was back
in the game. Morale improved. Production improved.
And so did sales and profits. I remember Bob looking at me and saying,
“It really is true that you have to spend money to make money.”
But here’s the best part.
Bob’s relationship with his wife and daughter went to a new level of love and
respect. Bob’s relationships with his employees improved
dramatically. There was laughter and happiness at work. Bob started
to put others first and money second.
All successful self-employed
business owners, managers or executives can get stuck. Bob got stuck on
money. It consumed him and overwhelmed him. It took his daughter
and wife to make him give up what he thought was truly important for the things
in life that really matters.
Money is a great tool. But as
with any tool, we must learn how to use it effectively for ourselves, others
and the greater good. Your legacy won’t be the amount of money you
have. Your legacy will be about what you did and how you benefitted
others with your money.
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